How to cancel my X-VPN subscription?

Son düzenleme tarih 2024-05-20

Canceling a subscription means canceling the automatic renewal of the next subscription cycle. After canceling the subscription, you will still be able to use the X-VPN premium service until the current subscription expires.

If you want to stop your subscription right now, you will need to request a refund for your current subscription.

How to cancel your subscription?

For subscriptions purchased through an app store, please choose the Stores below you subscribed to X-VPN from and follow the instruction to cancel your subscription.

❑ Apple Store Cancel:

❑ Google Play Store Cancel:

❑ Microsoft Store Cancel:

❑ Mac Store Cancel:

❑ Apple TV Cancel:

❑ Amazon Store Cancel:

❑ HUAWEI App Gallery Cancel:

❑ Samsung Galaxy Store Cancel:

For subscriptions purchased on the X-VPN website, please follow the steps below to cancel your subscription.

❑ The X-VPN web Cancel (Pay Pal/Credit Card): please go to the X-VPN website and log in with your account. Then go to the My Account page > Subscription> Cancel Subscription

❑ The X-VPN web Cancel (Paymentwall): Please contact us and send us your X-VPN account and we will help you cancel the subscription.

❑ For coin payments: They are all one-time payments and will not automatically renew. So there is no need to unsubscribe.

Need further help? Please contact us online or write to

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