Static IP

What Is a Static IP Address?

A static IP address is a consistent IP address assigned to a device that does not change over time.

An IP (Internet Protocol) address uniquely identifies networked devices, allowing them to send and receive data. Unlike dynamic IP addresses, which may change with each session or router reset, a static IP address remains constant, set manually by a network administrator or a DHCP server.

When do you need a Static IP address?

Static IP addresses are essential for:

1. Server hosting: Websites, email, or FTP servers use static IPs to provide a dependable point for client connections.

2. Remote access: They enable seamless access to networks or devices, such as for employees working remotely.

3. IoT devices: Static IPs help keep devices consistently accessible on a network.

Advantages of a Static IP

1. Constant Network Identity: A static IP affords your devices a fixed network address, facilitating dependable server and service access for users and systems.

2. Simplified Remote Access: Static IPs are crucial for consistently accessing security systems and remote desktops, enabling seamless remote work and management.

3. Enhanced Hosting Stability: A static IP boosts reliability for server hosting and DNS management, assuring customers can consistently locate your services.

4. Geolocation Consistency: Static IPs maintain stable geolocation data, ensuring your services offer consistent content relevant to users' locations.

5. Improved Network Reliability: With static IPs, network connections remain stable, as the permanent IP address ensures uninterrupted connectivity for various applications.

Disadvantages of a Static IP

1. Security concerns: Static IP is associated with your device or server for a long time, which potentially makes your network more visible to attackers.

2. Higher cost: You may need to pay more for a Static IP than Dynamic IP addresses.

3. Limited availability: A Static IP is a limited resource that, once dedicated to a user, it cannot be reused to another user.

4. Additional management: Static IP addresses require additional management to avoid IP conflicts.


1. How do I get a static IP address?

For a private static IP, adjust your device settings. For a public one, contact your ISP, noting that this may incur extra charges.

2. Can I have a static IP with a VPN?

Yes, certain VPNs, like X-VPN, offer static IP options, ensuring the same IP address is provided with each connection, beneficial for tasks needing IP consistency.