Public IP

What is a public ip address?

Public IP address is a unique numeric identifier assigned to a router, allowing devices on its network to be recognized and accessed on the global Internet.

These addresses are assigned by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and are unique throughout the Internet, ensuring that every device on is distinguishable from one another. Your personal device also has a private IP within your router’s network.

What can a public IP do?

1. Personal information disclosure

Public IP addresses generally contain your physical geographic location, the ISP you belong to, and other relevant personal information.

2. Online communication support

A public IP address serves as a destination for devices to connect and communicate online, enabling the use of internet services.

How does a public IP address work?

1. Address Assignment

When you connect your device to the Internet, your ISP assigns it a public IP address that is recognizable on the network.

2. Domain name resolution

After you enter the domain name you want to access (e.g., the DNS server resolves it to the IP address of the corresponding server.

3. Data transfer

After the request is sent, the server determines the data return path based on the public IP on your device.

How to find your public IP address?

Finding the public IP address you are currently using is very simple. Simply access online tools like "What is my ip address" or IP Address Checker. These tools will automatically show you the IP address you are currently using and information about it.


1. Why do some public IP addresses change?

By default, ISPs assign dynamic IP addresses to most home users as public IPs, which may be updated every time they connect to the Internet. This practice enhances security and makes it easier for ISPs to manage resources.

2. Can public IP addresses be traced?

Yes. The public IP address can be traced back to your ISP and your approximate geographic location can be determined. Websites may also use IP tracking to track and predict user behavior patterns.

3. How do you protect your public IP address?

Using a VPN is the most effective way to hide your real IP and increase your privacy. When you connect to a VPN, all your traffic is encrypted and forwarded through the VPN server so that the outside world sees the IP address of the VPN server instead of the real IP of your device, which not only hides your geographic location and personal information, but also protects you from potential tracking and data surveillance.