How to watch Raiplay with X-VPN?

Latest edited on 2023-06-09

RaiPlay (formerly known as RaiTV) is an inclusive streaming platform serving Italian citizens with exciting TV shows and radio streaming.

You can use Raiplay on Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Android TV, and Amazon Fire TV.

Having trouble accessing Raipplay?  X-VPN can help you solve this problem completely!

Step 1: Subscribe to X-VPN. We recommend you choose an all-platform plan, so you can use X-VPN premium and Raiplay on all your phone, PC, TV, and so on.

Step 2: Connect to the IT-Video-R server in X-VPN.

Step 3: Quit and reopen your browser or Raiplay APP and just enjoy it!

If there are still any issues after trying the above steps, the following advice might be helpful.

1. Try all branches of the IT-Video-R server, such as the IT-Video-R-1 server.

2. Clean your browser or Raiplay APP’s cache.

Need further help? Please contact us.

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