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Security tips for working from home

Oct 19, 2023   |   2 mins
Security tips for working from home

The world is in distress, and most companies work from home. In this case, security needs to be maintained.
When employees access the company’s database remotely, the risk of this data will increase. In order to reduce the impact on this, you can reduce the risk by adopting the following measures:

1.Provide employees with basic security knowledge.

Provide basic safety advice for people who work from home, make people aware of security, and can’t be as unprepared as when working in the company. They need to ensure that the work environment at home is safe enough to complete the work.

2.Avoid clicking links in emails from people you do not know.

Avoid clicking on links that you do n’t know. Emails from unfamiliar strangers need to be cautious. Do n’t click on email links without ensuring that the information is accurate. Don’t enter your personal privacy information on any website, such as home address, bank card information, set password, etc.

3.Avoid the use of public Wi-Fi.

Avoid using public wi-fi, A public Wi-Fi network is inherently less secure than your personal, private one, because you don’t know who set it up, or who else is connecting to it. When you are in an open environment, If you want to try wi-fi, better to use your smartphone as a hotspot instead, and also, you can choose to connect to X-VPN, which provides advanced encryption functions that can protect your personal privacy in an open environment, it still limit the potential damage from public Wi-Fi.

4.Avoid the use of USB sticks.

There have been too many examples of such devices being infected with malware. IF you have to use one USB stick, you can set up a password protect individual files. Your file’s password-protected simply by assigning a password to them when saving.
Avoid inserting your flash drive into unknown computers if you can help it, and don’t use a business flash drive on your personal computer.

5.Enable two-factor authentication on your work accounts.

To reduce the risk of someone using other means to enter your account to steal your personal information, you can at least use two-factor authentication (2FA) to secure your accounts.
This is a dynamic verification code that double-protects the personal website at the same time as the password set on the account.

6.Check all security software is up to date.

Privacy tools, add-ons for browsers and other patches need to be checked regularly. All important files should be backed up regularly. If they are extorted by the network as a result, all content will not be lost without backup.

7.Make sure you are using a secure connection with an encryption tool.

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