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Why Is My WiFi So Slow? 10 Common Reasons & 8 Quick Fixes

Sep 24, 2024
Why Is My WiFi so Slow

You must have encountered this, when you are indulging in funny short videos, settling down for a movie night, or are just in an intense online gaming, and your WiFi speed suddenly drops, leaving you staring at a buffering wheel for an agonizing wait. Why is my WiFi so slow? That’s a question most people have had, and this article will walk you through what is WiFi speed, why it suddenly drops, and how to fix it easily.

What is WiFi Speed & What Speed You Need?

Before walking through the specific reasons for a bad WiFi speed, let’s figure out what is WiFi speed, and understand what speed you usually need for a smooth digital life.

WiFi speed refers to the data’s transmit rate over a wireless network, typically measured in megabits per second (Mbps). It determines how quickly devices can send and receive information, impacting how smooth your streaming, gaming, and browsing is. Here are the Internet speeds common online activities usually take:

Streaming Videos

  • Standard Definition (SD): 3-4 Mbps
  • High Definition (HD): 5-8 Mbps
  • 4K Ultra HD: 25 Mbps or higher
  • TikTok Short Videos (SD): 1-3 Mbps

Video Calls

  • Standard Quality: 1-2 Mbps
  • High Definition: 3-5 Mbps

Online Gaming

  • Typically requires about 3-6 Mbps for smooth gameplay, but lower ping is also crucial for a good experience.

Web Browsing

  • Some basic web browsing activities usually take 1-5 Mbps

When your WiFi speed drops below the minimal required speed of the activities mentioned above, you might encounter a lag. It used to be good, you may wonder, why my WiFi being slow occasionally? Here are 10 possible reasons.

Why Is My WiFi So Slow? 10 Common Reasons

A previously fast and efficient WiFi connection drops down is frustrating. Why is my WiFi slow? The slowdown in WiFi speed might be caused by several reasons. Here are the 10 most commonly seen.

1. Too Far from the Router

The distance between your device and the WiFi router can affect the internet quality. WiFi connection has an effective range. Generally speaking, the effective WiFi connection distance is 300 feet. The further away you are, the weaker the signal becomes, and walls, floors, and other obstacles can further diminish the signal strength. Ideally, keeping your device within 150 feet of the router can help maintain a strong connection.

2. Too Many Devices Connected

Too many devices connect to your router can cause a slower internet. While WiFi speed indicates how fast data travels, bandwidth determines how much data can be handled at once. When too many devices are using the same network, bandwidth is divided among all these devices and the speed for each will be reduced. It could be your own devices, or perhaps your neighbors steal your speed.

Multi Connection Makes WiFi Slow

3. Heavy Online Activities

Heavy online activities consume a lot of WiFi bandwidth. When you are streaming HD videos, playing games, or downloading large files, a substantial bandwidth consumes. If multiple devices engage in these heavy online activities at the same time, it can strain the network and slow down the speeds for each one.

4. Network Congestion

A WiFi slowdown can happen when you are in peak hours and meet network congestion. Congestion results in slower WiFi speeds. During peak hours, such as at night when everyone is relaxing online, network congestion occurs. This is more obvious in densely populated areas because so many households share the same Internet infrastructure.

5. Reach Plan Limit

The dropped internet speed can be due to overused data and reaching your plan limit. Many internet plans come with data caps. When you exceed your plan limits, your ISP may slow down your internet speed. You need to monitor your data usage, especially if you’re engaging in data-intensive activities.

6. ISP Throttling

Your Internet Service Provider may slow down your internet speed. ISP throttling often happens during rush hours or if you exceed a certain data limit. However, It turns out that ISPs slow down internet speeds even when the network is not congested, especially for certain apps like YouTube and Netflix. to manage their network’s overall performance

ISP Throttling Causing Slow Internet Speed

7. Conflict Frequency

Conflict frequency with other routers can cause a slow internet. This often happens in crowded network areas like apartment buildings. WiFi routers have multiple channels that transmit at different frequencies, if your router shares the same frequency with your neighbors’, it could cause an Internet slowdown.

8. Low-Quality Equipment

Using outdated or low-quality routers and cables can significantly affect your WiFi speed. Older equipment may not support newer standards (like WiFi 5 or WiFi 6), which offer better speed and efficiency. Loose cables also disconnect your internet and affect online entertainment.

9. Malware or Virus

Malware and viruses can consume bandwidth and slow down your internet connection. Infected devices may engage in background activities, such as sending data to malicious servers or connecting to other devices, disrupting your usual network performance.

10. Interference with Other Home Devices

Though not that commonly happens, it could be a conflict frequency with your other home devices that make a slow WiFi speed. If your home microwaves or Bluetooth devices are using the same channel within your WiFi’s frequency bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz), it can cause interference and slow down your connection.

8 Quick Fixes to Boost WiFi Speed

Now we know why is my WiFi so slow. Though the reasons for a slow WiFi speed are diverse, there are some measures we can take to fix this. For some others, you need to contact professionals to help.

1. Restart the Router

Power cycling your router can do wonders in fixing the WiFi slowdown. Simply unplugging it for about 10 seconds and then plugging it back in can refresh the connection and speed your connection up.

Restart the Router to Boost WiFi Speed

2. Move the Router/Device

Placing the router in the central part of your home or just holding your device and walking closer to the router can significantly enhance signal strength. Placing the router in a central part of your house is recommended to ensure every corner of your home receives a robust connection.

3. Disconnect Some Devices

If multiple devices are hogging the bandwidth, consider disconnecting those that aren’t in use, allowing your essential devices to gain faster speeds and improved performance.

4. Change Your WiFi Password

Sometimes the over-connected devices are unable to see, it could be from your neighbors. Updating your WiFi password can help eliminate unauthorized users who may be slowing down your network. This simple step can quickly reclaim your bandwidth

5. Avoid ISP Throttling with a VPN

Internet Service Provider sometimes intentionally throttles your internet speed. But on the condition that they can see your IP address. How to fix the slow down WiFi speed caused by this? You can do it by routing your internet traffic through a VPN.

X-VPN can help you with this. You can mask your real IP as well as online activities from your ISP by connecting with VPN servers. With the advanced encryption tech and 11 protocols offered by X-VPN, your ISP has no idea what you are doing and can not determine how much data you are using and whether they should throttling your traffic. It’s simple to connect too! Follow the 3 steps below:

Step 1. Download and install X-VPN to your devices. It is compatible with all your devices including phones, PCs, TVs, PS4/5, and so on.

Avoid ISP Throttling with a VPN

Step 2. Open X-VPN and select a server. There are 8000+ servers available, and also dedicated servers for streaming and gaming.

Step 3. Click on the server to connect and enjoy smooth internet speed worry-free

Connect X-VPN to Avoid ISP Throttling

6. Check Connected Devices for Background Processes

Check all the devices connected to your network for any background processing. Background processes and applications running on them can consume bandwidth, so closing unnecessary apps can help speed things up

7. Upgrade Your Plan

If you consistently find your internet speed lacking, it might be time to upgrade your internet plan to accommodate your family’s needs, especially if you engage in heavy online activities.

8. Contact Your ISP

When all else fails, reaching out to your ISP can provide insights into potential issues with your service, and they may offer solutions or adjustments to improve your connection.

5 Tips to Maintain a Stable WiFi Speed

WiFi speed slowdown often happens from time to time, you can easily fix this time through the methods mentioned above, but maintaining a stable WiFi speed needs more effort. Here are 5 tips to help your WiFi work well all the time.

1. Close the Router When You Leave Home

When you leave your home to work, form a habit of turning off your router. In this case, you successfully prevented unauthorized access and allowed some rest on the equipment. This helps your routers and other related accessories have a longer lifespan and contributes to a stable internet.

2. Change WiFi Password Frequently

Regularly updating your WiFi password not only enhances security but also helps you keep track of who has access, minimizing the risk of bandwidth theft from unauthorized users.

3. Use Anti-Virus Software

Installing reputable anti-virus software on your devices can protect against malware that may slow down your network, ensuring that your online activities remain safe and uninterrupted.

Use Anti Virus Software for Stable WiFi Speed

4. Clear Unused Background Programs

Periodically review and close any unnecessary applications running in the background on your devices, as they can consume bandwidth and impact overall network performance.

5. Clean Equipment Regularly

Dust and debris can accumulate on your router and other networking equipment, interfering with performance. Routinely cleaning these devices can help maintain optimal signal quality and connectivity.


The increase relying on the internet makes questions like “Why is my WiFi so slow?” commonly seen. Slow WiFi speeds affect digital life badly, by understanding the common reasons behind it is the first step toward resolving them. From factors like distance from the router and device overload to ISP throttling and network congestion, identifying the root cause can lead to effective quick fixes and significantly enhance your online experience. By implementing solutions introduced in this blog, like disconnecting some devices, changing WiFi passwords, and download free VPN, you can enjoy streaming, gaming, and browsing without interruption!

Stop Bandwidth Throttling with a VPN

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1. Does WiFi Have a Data Limit?

Yes. Your WiFi has a data cap. It varies depending on your plan and you can ask your ISP for an amount. Exceeding this limit may result in throttled speeds or additional charges.

2. Can Restart the Router Speed Up WiFi?

Yes! Restarting your router can clear temporary glitches and refresh the connection, often resulting in improved speeds and better overall performance.

3. Can a New Router Fix WiFi Low Speed?

A new router can indeed enhance your WiFi speeds, especially if it supports newer standards like WiFi 5 or WiFi 6, which provide better performance and efficiency compared to older models.

4. How Many Devices I Can Connect to My WiFi?

The number of devices that can connect to a WiFi network varies by router, but most modern routers can handle around 20 to 30 devices without significant performance drops.

5. How to Get Better WiFi When the Router Is Far Away?

You can use a WiFi extender or mesh system to improve the WiFi coverage when the router is far away. This can boost the signal strength and provide a more stable connection throughout your home.